10:06 AM | Posted in

This will be a quick little post because I am only doing it while I wait for the single coat of paint on the ceiling to dry. Which wont take long because the bathroom is the size of a walk in closet and has a space heater going in it. After that it is really a matter of putting down the vinyl flooring and putting the bathroom fixtures back into place, no problem (I hope!). I just wanted to say that redoing the bathroom has been a lot of fun and has reminded me how much I enjoy working with my hands and solving small remodeling problems. It also has made me grateful that I posses practical skills and am capable of doing things around the house and not having to pay someone. On that note I would like to thank my Dad for teaching me over the years how to do everyday and project related fixes and for being an example of the importance of being self sufficient. If it was not for him I don't think I would be half as capable as I am today.
8:35 PM | Posted in
So for over a year now me and Becca have been playing this online server game called travian. It is a pretty fun game that allows players to create midevil age towns and troops and pit them against each other in real time. You tell the troops and village units what to do and then wait for them to acomplish the task. It is kind of a fun game, except that once you reach a certain size of empire no one will mess with you and there is no new activities/quests to go out and do, so you end up in a rut.

I bring this up because our alliance leader wants to know if we will join the alliance on the next server that opens up since the one we are on now is about to end. I would really like to continue playing but I think i want to try something with a little more action like Age of Empires 3 or WOW. The only problem with that is those games tend to eat up a lot of time per day you play(like 1.5-2 hrs). With travian it really comes down to only putting in as much time as you want per day and still being able to thrive in the game (like 15 minutes). I am at a loss of what to do. Maybe someone out there knows of a mix of the 2 kinds of games one that has long term goals that can be left to tend to themselves with a mix of player started real time battles. I dont know, if anyone has any ideas post them and I'll check them out.