2:35 PM | Posted in
No, no one died. But to see the reactions I get when I tell people what happened, you would think someone did.

Recently I have experienced something that no one on a paperless college campus should have to go through. Tuesday while opening up my laptop, which is like a part of me at this point, the left hinge support snapped and now no longer sufficiently supports the screen. I am now no longer able to use it at school and must mail it in to get fixed before my 3yr warranty runs out on 6/27/08.

So other than the sad looks and sympathies I get from the people I tell this means that my blogging is going to become a bit more crazy since I don’t have access to a computer lab on campus that isn’t one I’m taking a class in. I think the biggest things I am worried about are one, if I can survive without it for a couple weeks and two if it will leave and get back to me in one working piece with all its data. So wish me luck and I will write when I can.
2:17 PM | Posted in
Because of my job in a retail store and my school schedule and use of mass transit, I spend the majority of my time out in public places and using public facilities and services. Things like public bathrooms, public water fountains and sharing seating with strangers is something I use or deal with everyday. So I have grown used to seeing a lot of things that people do in these kinds of areas because they are not theirs. However one thing that I can not get used to the is the use of the water fountain as a place to dump any kind of waste that you no longer want in your hand, cup, nose or mouth.

Just because the fountain is there and has a drain on it does not mean that every thing fully or partially liquid should or can go in there. One of the most annoying things that I have happen to me is when I don’t look down first and bend over to take a drink and am confronted with this unknown off colored substance that is 1.5 inches from my nose and is staring up at me. I just think eewww what it if I had leaned down 2 more inches that would be on my face and not on the fountain anymore. I can’t stand it, more than half the time it makes me lose my thirst and I just have to walk away.

I have to ask what is so wrong with going over to the bathroom and using the trashcan or sink in there? Or maybe just wait till you’re at your own house to dispose of whatever it is. Luckily I haven’t caught anyone doing it yet because if I did I think I would have to never use that fountain again and my choices for clean useable fountains are slim enough as it is.
1:27 PM | Posted in
My wife says she hates proof reading my writing assignment because of the bad grammar and spelling. Well what she doesn't know is that usually I have proofed and spell checked it myself at least twice, so I thought today I tell a story and not do a single correction. So let’s see if you guys agree with my wife.

My second is at the university of utah's museum of natural history and i am the assistant to the administrative secretary. i get al ot of cpoy this jobs or rewtype this and that easy stuff. Today i was sent to get some keys made at a building accross campuss, which meant that i had to take the free shuttle service to do it effeicently. So i took the bus and went over to the building only to find out hat Tony forgot to sign one of the pieces of paper so i had to what fot the next bus to come so i could go back to the museum and get him to sign the paper. Then i waited and cought the next bus over to the key biulding and handed in the signed piece of paper. Then i went out to the stop and waited for the following bus back to the museum. What should have taken only half an hour ended taking up 2 hour. So much for an efficeint work day.

So the computer counted 22 mistakes in my little story not counting bad phrasing, can you find them all?