3:12 PM | Posted in

So I have been working on this blog now for a little while and it has high lighted a problem that I already knew about. I have too many passwords to keep track of! I have two different job passwords, passwords for school, multiple websites, accounts, computer log ins, email addresses and even for a face book account that I set up and have never been to since and probably others that I have forgotten about. When I first started to use passwords back in the mid 90's when we setup our Juno email accounts on our windows 3.1 using the 56k dial-up modem (trip) I tried to use the same password with different numbers at the end going in an ascending numerical order.

But as time has gone on my little 5-6 letter password was not enough for security reasons and I have had to abandon it on the side of the information highway. But now I find that with all the passwords I need to remember I have had to start writing them down, and what good is that? So now I am thinking about taking my car out on to the information highway and seeing if I can't find my old password and see if it has grown any so I can start using it again for all my sites. So till my next blog, may you all have a good time driving down the road of knowledge.
4:35 PM | Posted in
So when I first opened up my blog I had no counter and I just assumed that no one was coming to my blog, which i was well prepared for. Then I went to my friend Ginny's site and saw that she had a counter and i was like sweet and following my third idea of how to make a good blog, i straight up stole it. So now i have this counter that tracks whenever anyone comes to my site, unfortunately that also includes me when i check on my new settings to make sure they are working, so like the first day i went from 6 views to 13 because of myself. However since then other people have visited my site so the counter has gone up "naturally". However i have this to say about having a counter, it is like snorting blow. You go to your site and see that people have been there and your like ooooooh yeah, that's the good stuff. Then your on this high for a few hours, but then you start getting the twitches and your like I'll just check it one more time and you do it again,.... and again..... and again. Each time needing to look at it a little longer and a little sooner until your in the middle of your computer class sneaking peeks at your blog, hoping that the teacher doesn't catch you in the act. So for all those who are thinking about getting a counter i would caution you to think about the effects on your children first.
3:04 PM | Posted in
So i was riding the light rail into work today at the college and for some odd reason I asked my self, what if i didn't have to come to the train , what if the train came to me? How would that work? Here is what i came up with. First of all we scrap the whole train car idea and we use extra long buses, like the ones you see in large cities with huge mass transit programs. The we take those buses and we equip them with drop down railroad wheels (like the ones on the service vehicles) and the raising power masts to connect into the light rail power grid. Then after it picks you up at the normal bus stop it takes you over to the rail station and it connects onto the existing rail line and drives at high speeds to the next station with no traffic just like the train does. Then once it reaches it's jump station it gets off the tracks adjusts it's equipment and rolls along like a regular bus again. It has both the advantages of high speed no traffic travel of the train and the more accessibility of the bus. Now i just need to run it by my transportation teacher and give it a name like train-bus or Bustrain or maybe B.Strain or just Strain
4:42 PM | Posted in
So, so far I have rewritten this post like 3 times and every time I'm like, so where am i going with this, and every time I'm like i have no idea. So i erase the whole thing and start over again. Even now i have no idea what i am writing about, so i have come to the conclusion that i need to learn to sleep in class without getting caught by my teacher, because i have him 3 times in a row and I'm sure he'd take it personally.
12:52 PM | Posted in
You know what I find interesting about having a new blog, it is just like getting a brand new puppy. The first day you get it, all you want to do is play with it , see what it can do and show it to your friends so they can go, aawww it's so cute. Also as the owner of a new puppy (blog) you must give it a name, one that has some kind of meaning to you and describes the puppy (blog). Then after you've accomplished this amazing feat of creativity you have to decide what tricks you can teach it. Will it sit up, roll over, speak, lay down or just sit at your feet and beg for attention? Same thing goes for the blog, will it have pictures, music, links; what subjects will I talk about, dare I talk about my friends and family. Finally after days of prep, you have your puppy trained and your ready to go out into the world and proudly show it off. Then after three weeks of taking care of the now old puppy you are tired of cleaning up the spills and mistakes and you just wish someone else would take care of it for you.
7:02 PM | Posted in
So Saturday I was trying to think about how to make my blog page a popular one and i came up with a couple ideas.
One, be very creative and come up with some amazing ideas that lots of people will want to read about.
Two, make it into a family oriented site for friends and family to go to to visit and see how i'm doing.
Three, specialize in talking about a popular new computer game that lots of gamers will want to come and read about.
Or i can take my last idea and find other popular sites and rob them blind of their good ideas and claim them as my own and put them on my page. Whose gonna know?
So if you see a good website drop me a line and let me know.