I got my grades for school today and and got 3 A's, 1 A- and 1 B+ which brings my school career GPA to 3.853, not too bad if i say so my self. Now i have one semester left to graduate and will be taking 13 credit hours. 6 hours are semi blow off classes 4 are for a group CAP class that depending on the class members could be time consuming or not and the last 3 are a traditional in the room learning class. So hopefully things will be fairly easy next semester.
Becca and i have decided to call our baby Claire Abigail Severinsen (so far) and she is due on Feb 11 09. We have gone to see the hospital and what kinds of rooms they have there and were all the important rooms are. Becca signed us up for a birthing class that starts next week and goes past when Claire is due so we may not finish the class, but we will be more ready than if we didn't take the class at all.We have started to work on Claire's room and are about 1/3 of the way done with it. We need to install the rest of the insulation and then put up the dry wall, mud, sand, and then paint. We are trying something different for the paint in Claire's room this time, we are going to paint it in a way that I have suggested. Which means instead of doing one full bodied color like the rest of the house we are going to do a full bodied color on the bottom half of the room and then a lighter whitish color on the top of the room. The hope is that this time the full bodied color wont overwhelm the room like the green piant does in the bedroom.
For Christmas i got a lot of tool stuff, a camcorder, a self sufficiency book and some PS2 stuff and we are still waiting to receive our gifts from Becca's family, but so far it was an enjoyable Christmas haul. My parents stayed for about a week and visited with me and my brother, it was fun having them here to visit and mom got to see the new bathroom we just finished. I gained the traditional Christmas 5 lbs and have started going to the gym to lose the weight and stay in better shape. It is especially important for me to keep going because i no longer have the workout classes and my job at WSA is nothing but sitting at a computer. So weight gain is an easy thing to do, I would say almost as easy as when i worked at nothing but noodles ans drank soda all day. So with my high blood pressure it is important that i try and lose some weight and do strenuous exercises to keep in shape.
The goal for this month is to prepare for Becca's soon lose of work hours by finding her another job or new position at her current employers. We are going to try and refinance the house to a lower rate to lwer our monthly payment, but need it to appraise for 165,000 which means we need to finish up the home improvements soon. We also are talking about how many hours i need to maintain and if we can get rid of some of our life style ways in exchange for others, like giving up Becca's cell phone or a home line and Internet access so she can work from home and other such things. We are also playing with the idea of rearranging the whole house and changing the purpose of rooms from one to another to see if it works better functionally. It will also give us a chance to do some deep cleaning and sorting of stuff.
Work is going good and i enjoy being here. I don't think that i will work here full time next semester, but if they want to hire me after i get my masters there is a chance i would accept it. We still hope to move back to the Midwest some where. So far the main candidates are Columbia Mo, because of our past experience with it. Kansas City Mo, because WSA has an office there that i could transfer to. Or to one of the towns located around the greater St Louis area, because there are jobs there and the land type we want and Dan is there. If no in Mo I am pushing for IL, upper AR, lower IA, or western TN. I don't really want to go too far north or into the plains and if you go too far to the east with out getting to the coast you run into the backhills people, which i would like to avoid.
Well thats all i can think of right now so hopefully that is enough updating for everyone and hopefully i'll get back into blogging more often
I feel that when you have nothing, you have nothing and you shouldn't have to try and force something out, because it wont be as good as if you had just waited till you have something to say. Though that is not to say that you can get away with never blogging at all because you feel like you never have something to say, ehm you guys know who you are.
I started to read a blog of someone who had just started to write and i started to laugh. I noticed that everyone, including myself, who starts a new blog always starts it off the same with some kind of explanation of why they never thought they would start a blog and then how they somehow got pulled into doing it and not to expect anything from them because they might not keep doing it. It made me wonder why we all have to excuse ourselves and pretty much ask permission from the electronic society in order to start a blog. After blogging for a small time now i think it is perfectly fine to say, hey I’m an awesome, entertaining person and that is why I’m starting a blog, now get over here and start following it!
I'm sure this has happened to other people but today at the store i was in line to buy my goods and this guy gets in line behind me and just starts talking to himself and getting closer and closer to me. He kept mumbling about things under his breath just loud enough to hear him with out being able to understand what it was he was saying. He didn't look crazy, we was fairly well clean and had on a business uniform so I assume he had a job and was a stable individual, but he just crept me out I wanted to turn around and say to him can I have more than 3 inches of personal space and would ya please shut up or finish your conversation with yourself a little quieter. Of course I didn’t say anything because now days you never know who is packing heat and just looking for a chance to use it.
Speaking of packing heat, I registered for my classes next semester and I am going to learn how to pack steel. I signed up for a fencing class and am really looking forward to taking it. I don’t plan on walking around town with a sword strapped to my hip, but I think everyone should get to take at least one fun class in college that they wouldn’t be able to take anywhere else. Maybe someday me and kirk can have a duel, though I think I would need a bigger sword to match his claymore. Anyways my lunch is up and i have a lot of projects due soon so i need to go, till next time!

If i could pick anything i wanted to do around the house for this weekend i think i would finish cleaning up the garage. Since i started to organize my workbench it has made me realize how messy the rest of the garage is and once it hits winter it is no longer an option to go into it for long periods of time because it isn't insulated or even really finished.I really can't think of anything else i want to write about so i think i'm just gonna end it here. till next week.
First, we are going to try and stay here while i go into the masters program, i will turn in all my stuff as soon as i can and hopefully the will accept my application. So if i get accepted all we have to do after that it make sure we are financially stable for another year an a half, which i think we can do.
Second, have ya noticed all the iconic messaging going on lately. things like, c u l8er and :) I saw a comics show briefly on a TV i was passing by and he was doing a bit on these icons and telling a story using only or mostly these symbols and it was easy to intemperate the symbols into what he was trying for. It got me thinking about Egyptian hieroglyphics and wondering if we keep incorporating more and more of these icons, like we are now, will we one day end up like the ancient Egyptians and have half to all of our words be in caricatures
Lastly, we bought a bunch of these Campbell's don't add water soups for me to try and i noticed that even though every soup was a different blend they all had this similar background taste to them. And these soups were way different form each other, i had tomato bisque, Italian meatball, broccoli cheddar with potato and one other one that i can't recall, but every single one of them had this taste. So one, it makes me not want to eat their soup any more two, i wonder if all the soups start off with the same broth and they just add different ingredients to them along the way and three is maybe its the can I'm tasting and what does that mean i could be eating?
Well those are my thoughts for the day, hope you enjoyed them.
I think the most appealing course of action right now is to stay here and do the degree, because not only is it short, but the dean is willing to allow me to customize the program a little so I can focus more on design and less on policy. Also Becca could keep her job and if not go to a part time or work from home, position, than at least we have some great friends here who we trust, if they were willing, to watch the baby while Becca was gone. Then that allows us to have the income we need and not have to worry about who is watching Claire and can we really trust them. So I feel that is the way I am leaning, I think the biggest catch is that I just want to be done with school. So my rational side and my selfish side are fighting over who will get what they want. Usually it is the rational side that wins, but that is not always true, however if i am going to stay on here I need to decide soon because registration is only a couple days way and then come the late fees. P.s. I don't like this layout, hopefully I can change it soon.
While the bathroom may not have gotten finished it still was a good weekend. I have now acquired enough tools that i can start to break them up into categories of work like plumbing and tile and so forth and put them in their own tool boxes, which is what i did. So now i can just grab a tool box for the project I'm doing and be on my way instead of trying to gather it all first. I think i will need to make a general tools box too for the things that go in multiple projects so i don't have to keep switching them around. Also I have told Becca that i would like some kind of organizational system for the garage, she told me that if i can find one i like then maybe we can get it. I have to admit that i have it fairly nice when it comes to the accumulation of tools, as long as i can justify needing the tool for a project, i can have it and for the most part i have never taken advantage and gotten something i didn't really need or use.
Not all men can say that, even when they need the tool they are not allowed to get it because their wife doesn't understand why just a screw driver and hammer wont work. That's one of the reasons i am grateful that Becca was in shop at school, she realizes that the right tool not only makes things faster and easier,but sometimes it is the only way it can get done. I've decided lately that if we end up staying in Utah for a while that this next summer i am going to build or buy a small portable garden tool shed so we can get all the garden tools and supplies out of the garage and grouped together out of the way. Then maybe i will tackle the idea of fixing the back wall to the garage so that the door shuts and i don't have to worry if it is going to fall off the foundation, and think of all the lovely tools i can get for those projects :) When will i find out if we are staying here longer? I'm not sure but hopefully soon, i am talking to people and looking up possible avenues for the future so, well see.
1, I have to finish the bathroom this weekend
2, Decide if i want to do graduate school
a, where
b, what degree
c, what school
d, how to pay for it
3, Do i want to just get a job w/ an undergratuates
a, where
b, in what exact field
c, can we live off it
4, Do more interviews w/ urban design firms to find out what preperations i need to make
5, Start plans on my final semester line up of classes
6, Start working on major papers due at end of school term or before
I think that is all the main things so far, if you guys have any thoughts on these subjects let me know.
Work is going o.k., the project I am working on is nearing its draft date and I am adding all the final touches on it before my boss looks over it and critiques it. I feel like I understand what it is I’m doing a little better, but don’t know how well I would do if I had to start a new paper. I have started to email urban design firms to see if I can get an interview with someone in charge to ask them about what kinds of skills and education they look for. So far I have gotten one response from a secretary asking for more specific information on my situation, but that is about it. Hopefully at least 3-4 of them will respond to me and I can get a good look at the skills I should be trying to develop.
For those who have not heard I put in my graduation application about a week ago, so I should be graduating around May 09. So far I have given myself an easy last semester with only 2 real classes and 2 blow off classes, one is weight training and the other is fencing. If I get some good feedback from the firms I questioned or find a class to take, I will drop the blow off classes, but until then I am keeping them. I have done over loaded semester hours for the last 3 semesters and think that if I can take an easy one than I should.
If you haven’t read becca’s blog then let me now tell you that this last weekend I tore out the main bathroom floor and fixtures so I could replace them and finish repairing the wall. I have no idea why I did this, I just know one minute I was looking at the ugly bathroom floor wondering if it would get done before Claire was born and the next minute I found myself with a crowbar in my hand tearing up linoleum flooring and ripping out the vanity. It started out easy and was going quickly and well until I started to do the plumbing. Like all the projects in the house this one had to have something that wasn’t easy to do. I think if the plumbing had been easy than the bathroom would now be done. But no, I had to cut out a small section of wall, use my power saw to cut the pipe, mount a new wall drain, reconfigure the drainage from the sink 3 times, put together the tailpipe system for the sink and mount the faucet and connect it to the water supply. Then clean up the mess from all the leaking water when it was tested multiple times.
Hopefully the rest of the bathroom will go smoothly and it will be back to working and will be the first fully completed room in the house, YAA! Well i think that is enough for now till next time!
I recently found out that i am a 3-d visually minded, ISTJ (Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging ), steadfast, perfectionist type of person. Wow what a mouth full! How did i find all this out you say.Well had us do some personality tests at work to help them better understand who we are as the new people they've hired and how to best work with us. Now i really didn't believe the perfectionist part, but Becca insists that it is true. I conceded that it is only true when it comes to things that i decide matter, like grades and projects that i am into. I would be interested to hear from everyone on what they think of my personality and aptitude results.
By the way here is the details to a ISTJ
"ISTJs are often called inspectors. They have a keen sense of right and wrong, especially in their area of interest and/or responsibility. They are noted for devotion to duty. Punctuality is a watchword of the ISTJ. The secretary, clerk, or business(wo)man by whom others set their clocks is likely to be an ISTJ.
As do other Introverted Thinkers, ISTJs often give the initial impression of being aloof and perhaps somewhat cold. Effusive expression of emotional warmth is not something that ISTJs do without considerable energy loss.
ISTJs are most at home with "just the facts, Ma'am." They seem to perform at highest efficiency when employing a step-by-step approach. Once a new procedure has proven itself (i.e., has been shown "to work,") the ISTJ can be depended upon to carry it through, even at the expense of their own health. "
Also I have found that I don't really care for policy planning too much. At least so far, i admit that it has only been 2 weeks and things may change. But so far it is way to much reading and writing (not my strong point, though my professional writing teacher said i did a great job on my last paper and would have made any lawyer proud.) and too little doing or designing which is what i really like to do and went in to apply for. So i plan to stick it out for another week or two and if things don't improve I'll talk to my mentor and supervisor and see if there is another project that i could work on that i might be better suited for.
Other than that life is good, Becca is fine, the baby is healthy and we are making our debt payments. I think the only thing i would change is the fact that right now we are kinda friend deficient and need to have some friend time,which we have been too busy for. But it looks like latter this week there might be some open time or maybe not who knows. Till next time!

The big news this week is that i was offered an internship with wilbur smith assoc, which i will begin working at in about 2-3 weeks. Unfortunately that is the only information i have on the job so far because they are still setting up the lab and have not finalized many of the details yet. But since this is a requirement for me to graduate as long as they don't try to pay me $3.00 an hour for 60hrs a week scrubbing floors i will probably be happy with whatever it is they come up with, after all some internships don't pay at all and have little to do with the actual degree. So I will keep everyone posted on what happens there.till next time, c-ya!
I had a bad experience this week with a former employer, apparently the ops manager didn't think that i was keeping busy enough and i thought that since it was work study that when ever they didn't have something for me to work on that i could study. Well the boss never came to me with his issues and even said i could have the job next year if i wanted it. So when i sent him an email asking to have the job i was SHOCKED to read his response,
"Hi Alann-
Sorry I missed you last week. Paula mentioned that you had come by.
I think that it would be better for us not to rehire you. To be perfectly blunt, my needs for the job are someone who is always on the lookout for something to do, and never willing to sit still. Based on my experience with you last year, I don’t think that really describes you. I don’t really have time to manage one more employee and make sure that I am getting my money’s worth by always assuring that there are tasks waiting.
Thanks for your time with us last year, and best wishes as you finish your schooling.
So after a half hour of rewriting very upset and harsh letters, I finally told myself that nothing would change by telling off this guy and wrote the nicest email i could while still telling him a little of how i felt.
Could you make sure I am taken off the mailing list for the museum. The random emails about nothing important are a bit irritating to have to erase all the time. Also I don't need to be insulted, you could have just said no thank you, that was my first work-study job and if you wanted something to change while I was there all you had to do was set up a meeting with me and let me know not to spend so much time on school work. I suggest next time you actually talk to your employee once in a while instead of assuming you know what is going on with them, then maybe you will be happier with their performance.
Best of luck with your move and new child.
If you have ever listened to the comedian Dane Cook these letters reminds me of the joke about the the guy at the cash register telling Dane " just a minute pal." when he wants some katsup for his hot tasty fries (Dan you should know what I'm talking about). For those who don't know what I'm talking about, you have to hear it to get the whole impact of it, maybe Dan will put in my comments which CD it is from so everyone can listen to it themselves if they want and at their own discretion.Mostly I'm just mad because i feel like i was blind sided by this guy and now i have to rethink some decisions i made about work during school if i don't get an internship. I think Becca said it best when she said it was bad management on his part and I think she is right because honestly all he had to do was talk to me and i would have changed what i was doing to better fulfill what he wanted done, but it too late now.
The only other thing i have to write about this week is that lately i have been getting real tired of hearing all the moronic discussions that happen around me at work or while I am out of the house. It seems like all I hear is people talking about things that they have no factual background knowledge of but they seem to know that they are right and nothing else could be true but what they think. I'm not saying that i have a complete knowledge of all the things they are talking about but when the news the night before says that a boy was caught on fire by a stray ember and you are saying that two boys set him on fire to watch him burn and how bad blah blah blah is and yada yada yada, I just want to tell you to shut up and stop talking about things that you only have a partial knowledge of.
It really just drives me nuts to hear two people talking about things they don't understand and act like they do or to hear them talk about pop culture things that have no lasting meaning or significance in life like they are more important then enything else. For once I want to walk into the break room and hear two cashiers talking about how to best conserve world energy and the world economic ramifications of Russia's and Georgia's border war. Instead i get to hear about how so and so had to b-slap her daughter and threaten to not let her go to church if she didn't stop calling her mother's new boyfriend a bas!#$%. I understand that not all conversations need to be deep and sophisticated and that i don't always talk about deep things, but i just want to know, what happened to meaningful conversations? Where did they go? And how do i get them to come back? Well i think that is enough for now, i will go for now c-ya!
Today i started to do some of the things that i would normally have done like mow the lawn and work on the house. I am currently puttying all the holes and cracks in the kitchen then i will finish the wall next to the cabinets and fix the gap in the wood floor by ripping down two floor boards to make on large one to make up for the shifted wood planks that happened during the mysterious leak episode. Then once that is done its on to the main bath to replace the floor, vanity and sand and paint the walls. Well i gotta go to class!
I have driven this route enough times to know that if you get stuck at one red light you wont make it to the next light while it is still green so i don't even bother trying. But mister "has to speed" didn't seem to feel the same way as i did. I assume that he alsotakes this route fairly often too because he turned into a subdivision on the way. But my thought was even if i didn't know about not being able to make the next light why would i want to race from one light to the other.
All it does is 1 waste gas by getting into higher RPMs just to move a little faster at the beginning of moving 2. add more wear and tear to the engine 3 use up your brakes faster due to harder stopping at the next light. 4 wear out the tread on the tires faster from needed additional traction 5 make you look like an idiot as you race around people just to end up with them at the next light 6 get you upset if you don't make the next light and 7 add more pollution into the air because of the bad energy efficiency of your motor at that speed/power ratio. So really i gotta ask is it really worth speeding off the line just so you can end up next to me again at the next light?

So I guess for a quick update on life i have got a couple things i can talk about. For fathers day Becca gave me a PS2 all on her own, I had no idea what she was getting me. I bought God Of War 2 and love it. For those of you how don't know what it is, the game follows a basic story line were you a fallen Greek god fight your way back into god like power to rise up and fight Zeus. So far i think I'm about half way through. It also can with a bunch of sports games most of which i will eBay off but some that i will keep.
I sold my motorcycle because of lack of funds to fix it and hope to save up for a little bit and get something else by the end of the summer of the beginning of next. I am not quite sure what will happen there because i am not working full time this summer and we may be moving next summer depending on what happens when i graduate.
I have one morning class left and then it is only one night class till the first of august, then i get about 3 weeks off till fall semester starts.Then i will be back to a full load of school and then will only have a cap class, internship and 1 blow off class to complete for spring of 09 to graduate.
We now have a fair amount of grass in our front yard from the seed we planted and now we are going to weed and feed the front to kill of the weeds that have grown and then we will plant more grass seed to help fill in the lawn.
I just put the hard wood floor back in the kitchen, because the mysterious leak went away once we fixed the washing machine hookup pipes. It is a little bumpy even with getting 2 out of 5 boards replaced. Maybe if we have the money and i have the time i will look at going back and replacing the entire middle section of wood flooring, but we have many other projects ahead of that one. I mean they really are small little bumps that aren't noticeable unless you know what it was like before.
The house in Columbia mo is for sale and we hope to sell it before to much longer into the summer. It is a good quality house with the option to have a renter downstairs to help lower rent payments so i think it will sell fairly fast.
Um i think that is it for now, atleast that is all i have time for so hopefully i will be posting a bit more often from now on.
But all in all the site was very pretty and I took a picture of it using my old school film camera, so maybe in a few months when we use up the film I will post a picture of the campsite. So after a fairly cold night we woke up to a drizzling morning and decided to tough it out and go fishing on the boat. We drove to the boat launch and after some comunication problems between Becca and i we got the boat launched and went out to go get some fish. To make an entire day event short we never caught a thing though, Becca almost caught a bird and I got a couple of bites while Becca was back at camp making breakfast. Becca's new fishing equipment I bought her worked great and my older equipment failed me miserably by continuously breaking and getting the line tangled in the reel. We boated into a cove to fish and found a family of 7-9 beavers? woodchucks? Muskrats? Something. They were cute though, they ran up and down the hill and played in the grass while me and Becca fished and caught nothing. After that we needed to go in so we could clean up camp and I showed Becca how to operate the boat. She grasped the concepts just fine and only had problems when it came to pull starting the motor, but on the 5-6 time she got it started and she "drove" us back to the boat ramp where we loaded the boat and went back to the site. There we cleaned up the camp in about 15 minutes and made it back home around 3pm on Saturday in time to go to the church pig roast. Then we went home and relaxed for the rest of the evening.
All in all it was a good trip, i told Becca to make a list of things she felt needed improvement for next trip and we would try to accomplish them before next time we go out. My list so far is 1. Get new fishing gear 2. Get better sleeping pads 3. Buy camp stove (we borrowed one) 4. Get new sleeping bags for us 5. Buy small hatchet 6. Remember to drink more water and wear suntan lotion, I got burned and a little dehydrated.

Alright first of all let me say FINALS ARE OVER!!!!!!! Man it feels so good to say that! So how did I do you ask. Well if you becca what I tell her it’s” not good enough”, I am always fanaticizing about getting A’s. But honestly it feels like it will get a mix of A’s and B’s out of 5 classes maybe 2-a and 3-b. Though right now it could be 5-cs and I’d be ok. Of course I still have summer school starting in a week, but till then I am going to enjoy the time off. That and the summer section ends the last week in July so I’ll still have august to myself. So I am trying to sell my motorcycle for $800 and this is how it is listed on Craig’s list.
1982 Honda Sabre, 750cc, 36k mi, electric start, liquid cooled, rear axle drive, brand new battery, cleaned air filter, great first time bike
I bought this motorcycle in October and was only able to ride it about a dozen+ times before it got too cold. I planned on getting it registered this summer when I worked full time but now I am going to summer school and don’t have the time or money.
I had its engine checked and they said it was fine and would last another 8-10k mi easily. I have not gotten it registered and don't know if it will pass inspections. It needs a new back tire, I need to replace a light cover (which i have), needs a new 25 cent gasket to put on the oil screw to stop the leak and has light superficial damage that’s all I know, but it needs to be officially inspected first to know of any other problems, which i will not do. It’s worth $1000 running in fair shape, but I’m only asking for $800 that’s a $1.06 per cc, if interested email me
Now I know your saying, why did you list so many bads? Because so many people are asking about it and if it is registered and blah blah blah , so I want to make sure they understand, no it wont pass and two I don’t know all the problems that’s why its cheep! Now as for a longer explanation of why it is being sold 1. The money set aside to fix it up is now going to school 2. I am not actively selling it and will keep it till it sells 3. The money from the sell will buy a working scooter that I can use now So those are the additional reasons and someday if I like riding the scooter I will give it to becca and get myself another, but working, motorcycle. Sometimes dreams just have to wait or be only partially completed until a better time comes along, and this is one of those dreams.
Also today or tomorrow I will be calling gateway to have them send out a box for my laptop so it can get fixed (again) so that I can enjoy it for another year of school (hopefully). I told becca that I think the next laptop I get will be a tablet pc depending on how much writing my job or schooling requires. I don’t really use much on my laptop except for the wireless internet, music/ video player, USB port and for the Microsoft office program. I don’t really even use the CD/DVD player that much. So a tablet should have what I need with the writable screen and light weight I want.
Well I should go my brain is getting fuzzy and I still have to walk up hill to get to the station to wait for the train to get to the next station to wait for the next train to get to my station to drive across town to get home to do house work to get ready for the scout program tonight. Wait……. do I really want to leave?

The problem with that plan is that i would have to take 5 classes every semester from here on out, which might just kill me. It is really hard to go to school for 12hrs a day 2times a week and work 25 hour plus do the homework. So now the question is, do i want to get it all over with as soon as possible and lose my sanity or do i want to go at a more leisurely pace and finish only 1 semester later than if i force marched myself. Right now i am leaning toward just graduating one semester early instead of two. This semester has really burned me out and i kinda just want to go at a slower pace, at least for the next semester, but if i take it easy next semester than it no longer matters and it will only be one semester early. It really is at an all or nothing situation right now to graduate extra early. So after my last class today i think i am going to gather up all the info and do some alternative schedule and see which way i want to go
A - Attached or Single? I assume we are talking about personal relations and not house style here so i have to go with arched.
B- Best Friends? Becca first and then Dan Story and Ian
C- Cake or Pie? Pie, especially pineapple pie
D- Day of Choice? 3 day weekend
E- Essential Item? watch, it drives me nuts not having one, even if i ordinarily wouldn't look at the time when i don't have my watch i am constantly trying to look at the time
F- Favorite Color? forrest green
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Yuck
H-Hometown? Le Roy IL, where i grew up in my teen years and had great friends in all may classes at school
I- Favorite Indulgence? Chocolate (I blame mom), Video games and Movies
J- January or July? July i suppose, at least in Utah, where in January you have to be crazy to leave the house
K- Kids? not yet but maybe 3-4 someday with an equal amount of boys and girls
L- Life isn't complete without? a reason to get out of bed
M- Marriage date? 12/2/04
N- Number of brothers and sisters? 1 bro 1 sis both younger
P- Phobias and Fears? Nothing i have come across yet, but i don't really care for praying mantises or walking sticks much, they just look gross and creepy
Q- Quote? I like the ones on despair.com
R- Reason to smile? i usually do it when around friends and fam, i find most things in life pleasing
S- Season of choice? spring or fall i like the cool weather and crisp air
T- Tag three people? they have already been hit but maybe their spouses so Ginny, Shannon and Dan
U- Unknown fact about me? I have a scar running along the back of my left thigh where i tried to jump a chain length fence and didn't quite make it
V- Vegetable? potato, is there a more versatile vegetable in the world, i think not
W- Worst Habit? I have this underlying subconscious thought that work is for working and home is for resting and having fun, which leads me to not work around the house as much as i should
X-ray or Ultrasound? i think it would be cool to own a full body x-ray
Y- Your favorite food? pizza!!!!!!!
Z- Zodiac Sign? Aquarius-Those born under the sign of Aquarius not only march to a different drummer, they make up new music as they go along. They are 'mind oriented' individuals, whose thoughts never stop tick-tocking over. Because of their high focus on intellectual exploration, many inventors, eccentrics and highly original trailblazers are born under this sign. Their intense ability to live on many mental levels, holds both pain and pleasure for Aquarians. For example, in the American Hall of Fame there are more Aquarians than any other sign, yet statistics reveal that in mental institutions there are more Aquarians than any other sign too. Many extremes can surround this sign and these extremes can take them to both heaven and hell. But in everyday terms, most Aquarians are extremely humanitarian and often involved in social programs that assist others. They can also be objective in judgement, for they never let their emotions get in the way. Outgoing and amiable, Aquarians attract friends wherever they go and those whom Aquarians befriend have their unswerving loyalty.
Aquarians are the zodiac's most mysterious and unusual people - and no two are anything alike. Those born under this sign - ruled by innovative and non-conformist Uranus - march to the beat of their own drum. They see life in a different way. Others quite frequently think their habits and ideas are eccentric or crazy in some way, but it is this uniqueness that makes them so special. The Aquarian mind is extremely quick and they never seem to stop thinking (it is interesting to note that many born under this sign suffer from insomnia.) Aquarians usually have strong political, environmental or social beliefs. But whether it is a relationship, career or cause - Aquarians are happiest when they have "something" to believe in and nurture.
In what ever state we move to we would like to buy a parcel of land, w/ or w/o a house on it, from 1-8+ acres so we can have a large garden - small farmett. We don't really want to be farmers, but some of the things we enjoy and want to do resemble that type of lifestyle. Hopefully this land would be close enough to the area i work and to local stores that it would only be 15 min or less to get into the city area. We would like to live in a 80,000 +/- 15,000 type city. I would like for it to be a college town, because i think i would enjoy doing some part time teaching at a local community college or university. I also would like to have a small library room for myself and Becca to study and read in piece, man shed/ tinkering shop and small fishing stream/pond on the property whether natural or artificial. I know Becca has somethings she would like too, like a nice sewing/ crafts room, established garden beds with green houses, nice indoor kitchen and a small outdoor one for nice days, to name a few. Obviously most of these things will take time to get and build and some we may never see.
A nice transit system around town and to local outlying areas and lots of people and dog parks, natural trails and camping would also make it a better place to be . I would like to stay with the same company for a while and move up through the ranks, but that is not a major concern of mine. I think i would like to work for/run a private company as a consultant to other government planning organizations. I have heard private companies have more flexibility, larger pay and a bigger assortment of job projects. Still being this far down the work ladder i am still open to other jobs and positions. Being close to family would be nice, but since most of us are still in a moving stage of our lives it would be hard to plan our moving around family, though i suppose if family or close friends wanted to buy/rent land from us to live on that could be arranged.
Kids would be nice to have, ya know to entertain guest and do chores j/k. But hopefully sometime between now and then we will either have one or be on the way of having one. If we timed it right and nature was willing we could have a child just about the time i graduate. Then Becca would still have health insurance and could quit when the baby was born and i could start working. Of course that's all luck and circumstance at this point. Being out of credit card debt is also a goal we have and hopefully that one will happen before i graduate.
I don't know if i have any other large goals besides those at this moment, i really just want out of my college kid life of half work, half school, no money or ability to get more and no permanent plans. i guess the only other "big" goal i have for us is to try and go on another cruise for our 5 year anniversary and the only reason that's a big one is because i need to start saving for it now. Well for anyone who read this whole things i applaud you, i believe this is the biggest blog i have ever written.
Break was good. I got my motorcycle title replaced so now i can get it registered. I got the boat registered so we can take it out when ever we want to. I put up another door in the house,which doesn't sound like much, but it takes 3-4 hours to do one with little or no trouble. I also cut holes in our cabinets ceiling and roof to vent outside our stove top hood in case something ever burns and that was a 2 day project by itself. I have to admit that i like doing things around the house. What i don't like doing is being rushed to get it done or having to try and squeeze it into the few minutes i have between work and school. i like to do the projects for the sheer joy of doing them. not so i can get them done and have it beautify or add accessibility to anything. Well I'm gonna stop here because i am losing interest and focus more and more. so c-ya later

Our newest addition

This is my Company it has been running for 2 yrs. First year was establishing a base and hopefully this second year is for expanding services and clients
About Me
- Alann
- Married, 6'3" summer blonde, hazel eyes I like to play sports, not watch them I enjoy tinkering on projects doing some kinds of yard work and going out for a pizza and staying up late watching movies. I hope to someday be able to design communities and also do property management. I want to live in a country setting with some land and raise my family in preferably one location. I have 2 daughters and 1 son and a loving wife.
Modern Play time in the car

This is from our Cali visit to see the grandparents. We are on our way home from a full day at Disney

This is from our Cali visit to see the grandparents. We are on our way home from a full day at Disney
Quotes to live by
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CA Trip-Disneyland!8 years ago
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Run For Your Lives12 years ago